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GUIDE - Shaman

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GUIDE - Shaman Empty GUIDE - Shaman

Post  Admin Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:29 pm

Original Guide from Elitist Jerks

Major Abilities

Chain Heal

Chain heal is the shaman's signature heal and the one that all the other healing classes wish they had. After healing the initial target, the healing effect will jump to the most damaged target (by absolute health) within range. Each jump reduces the healing done by 50%. The jump range of the spell is approximately 10-15 yards. If there are no targets in range below 100% it will not jump. The heal can jump back to the shaman if they have taken damage.

In many raids, chain heal will represent more than 90% of all healing. Shaman are often assigned to heal the raid, meaning healing everyone besides the main tank. Other times, the shaman will heal the raid by targeting the main tank and letting the chain heal bounce to melee or other raid members. The shaman's Chain Heal, along with a priest's Circle of Healing, are the best multi-target heals in the game.

Chain heal can crit on any (or all) of the three jumps. However, the healing done to the next target is based on the non-crit healing done. Crits from chain heal will proc Ancestral Fortitude.

It receives the following bonuses from +healing gear:

71% + 36% + 18% = 125% with no talents
94% + 47% + 24% = 165% with Purification (+10%) and Improved Chain Heal (+20%)

Many shaman downrank Chain Heal to Rank 4 (and sometimes even Rank 3). Rank 4 gets the full benefit of your plus healing since it is learned at level 61 and is not subject to the down ranking penalty. By using Rank 4, you reduce your mana costs by 19% but lose only 10% of your healing power.

There is a known bug with Chain Heal. If Chain Heal jumps back to you on its first jump (the second heal), it will not jump to a third target. It is sometimes better to target yourself for the first heal to make sure it jumps to two other targets.

Shaman's Fire and Earth Elementals are not considered part of the party/raid/group. Therefore, chain heal will not bounce to Elementals if you first target a raid member for healing. However, if you first target an Elemental, chain heal will bounce to members of the raid

Many trinkets will proc based on a “direct healing spells.” Each jump of chain heal is considered a direct heal. A trinket such as [Fel Reaver's Piston] or [Eye of Gruul] can proc on any jump of chain heal.

Other trinkets proc based on “each spell cast.” In those cases, the jumps do not count as separate spells. For example, [Pendant of the Violet Eye]

Thud00 wrote a custom mod to measure overhealing on a per jump basis. He found overhealing on the initial jump was about 50%, while overhealing on subsequent jumps was about 20%. This makes sense given that multiple healers will often target the same person who has taken damage. The beauty of chain heal is that it instantly jumps to two other people. They often take damage while you were casting so a chain heal or prayer of mending is the first thing to land – resulting in less overhealing on jumps #2 and #3.

Healing Wave

This is the largest heal shaman can cast. It takes 2.5 seconds to cast (3.0 seconds without talents). It receives 86% of our plus healing, which is not reduced by talents to shorten cast time. And by stacking Healing Way we can boost its healing another 18%. Shaman often start casting this heal and then cancel if the tank is not taking damage

You can spam Rank 1 to proc Ancestral Fortitude and stack Healing Way either before a pull or during a fight.

Shaman often use Rank 8 as well as Rank 12.

Lesser Healing Wave

This is the fastest heal a shaman can cast. However, unlike a Paladin's Flash of Light, it is an expensive spell to cast. It gets little benefit from your healing gear (only 42.8%). It also doesn't stack Healing Way. In most situations, shaman are better off casting Chain Heal Rank 4

Earth Shield

Many consider this the shaman’s version of a heal over time. It will last about 20-30 seconds on a player taking constant damage. It receives 28.6% of your +healing per charge (or 26.55% if you downrank to Rank 1 Earth Shield). Note that the 30% listed at Wowwiki is incorrect.

The +healing is based on gear at the time cast, not when it procs. Therefore, you can put down Wrath of Air and use two trinkets to supercharge the Earth Shield before a pull. Note that Earth Shields cast on others do not get the benefit of your Purification talent and will heal for 10% less.

The healing is attributed to the person on whom the shield is cast. While this hurts you on the healing meter, it’s a tremendous benefit for a tank. Each point of damage healed will generate 0.725 threat against all mobs. In addition, all paladins have a passive ability called Spiritual Attunement that restores mana equal to 10% of the healing they receive. Since Patch 2.1.0, they have received mana back from the healing done by Earth Shield (and Prayer of Mending). Each point of mana restored generates 0.5 threat.

Casters: Moonkin, Elemental Shaman and Shadow Priests have no talents to prevent spell pushback, which can sharply reduce their DPS in some fights. They will benefit the most from Earth Shield to boost DPS. Destruction warlocks have 70% resistance with talents. Elemental shaman with four pieces of Season 3 arena gear (Vengeful Gladiator) get 50% resistance on lightning bolts.

Mages have talents to reduce spell pushback in both the fire and arcane trees.

Arcane mages have a first-tier talent to gives 100% resistance to spell pushback on Arcane Missiles.
Fire mages have a third-tier talent that gives 70% resistance to spell pushback on all fire spells.
There are no talents to reduce spell pushback on frost spells.
With two pieces of Tier 4, any mage will have 100% spell pushback resistance on Frostbolt and Fireball spell

Water Shield

This is a tremendous source of mana regeneration. It's important to have it on at all times and refresh it before it expires. Many shaman do not wait until all three charges have been used to refresh. When there is a lull in healing, they take that time to put up 3 new charges since they might expire at a time when you can't spare the global cooldown to refresh the shield.

Because it costs no mana to cast, water shield will not trigger the Five Second Rule.

The mod Shaman Friend will alert you when water shield expires. It has an option to give you an audible warning and you can choose several different sounds. It can also report a successful purge, interrupt or grounding to party or raid channel

You can also modify SCT to give an audible alert using these instructions:

I'd like to share this little line of code that is inserted into 'interface\addons\sct\sct_event_config.lua'
Inside the file there is a line local sct_Event_Config = { Next to that is a custom events list. I replaced 'lightning shield' event since it's usefulness is none to me. The file itself contains pretty clear explanations and examples for custom events so feel free to modify. It gives you warning when Water Shield fades. test.wav is your own to pick.

[3] = {display="Water Shield Faded!!!", type="FADESELF", search="Water Shield", icon=1, r=256/256, g=128/256, b=128/256, iscrit=1, soundwave="Interface\\AddOns\\sct\\sound.wav", class={"Shaman"}},



Only Resto shamans have the Mana Tide totem, which restores 24% of a player’s mana over 12 seconds. It affects everyone in the shaman’s party and has a 5-minute cooldown.

Resto shaman also have talents to improve the performance of two totems:
1) Improved Mana Spring Totem restores 62.5 mp5 instead of the regular 50 mp5
2) Improved Healing Stream Totem, which does 25% more healing than a regular totem.

Healing stream totems for different shamans stack. Mana spring totems do not.
Mana Spring stacks with the Paladin’s Blessing of Wisdom.
Tranquil Air stacks with the Paladin’s Blessing of Salvation (total of 44% threat reduction).

Talent Builds

These are considered must-have talents for raiding:
Improved Healing Wave
Tidal Focus
Ancestral Healing
Healing Focus
Totemic Mastery
Restorative Totems
Healing Way
Nature’s Swiftness
Mana Tide Totem
Nature’s Blessing
Improved Chain Heal
Earth Shield

Highly recommended talents
Tidal Mastery
Nature’s Guardian

Tidal Mastery goes hand-in-hand with Ancestral Healing, which you absolutely should have. The 25% increase in armor from Ancestral Healing typically will give more protection than an Ironshield potion. Plus, the proc scales as your tank gets better gear. In addition, with multiple shamans in the raid, and each having 5% more crit, the chances of getting an Ancestral Healing proc rise a great deal.

Recommended for new content because it offers the greatest survivability. Also recommended for fights involving fire, frost and nature damage since Elemental Warding reduces damage from these schools by 10%.

Here is a sample of the 8-0-53 spec
If you want both Elemental Warding and instant Ghost Wolf here's a 8-7-46 spec
If you want both Nature's Guardian and instant Ghost Wolf you can try 0-7-54

Recommended for farm content, mobility, improved DPS.

You get the ability to cast ghost wolf instantly, plus the improved strength and agility totems to boost the DPS done by Hunters (BM) and feral druids. It will give a group an extra 11.5 agility and an extra 12.9 strength. Cheeky's spreadsheet in the Hunter thread can allow your to calculate exactly how much the group's DPS would increase but if your hunters are doing around 1000 DPS, the improved strength and agility totems would boost the DPS of each hunter by about 10 DPS. A feral druid might gain 15-20 DPS. So if the group's DPS increases by 50 DPS, over a 10-minute fight they would do an extra 30,000 damage. The spec sacrifices nothing in healing. What you lose is survivability (by giving up Nature's Guardian and Elemental Warding). However, if that's not an issue, extra DPS never hurts.

Here's a sample of the 0-12-49 spec

0-5-56 and 0-0-61
These are very common specs but they do not make the best use of talent points.

Ancestral Knowledge
Five points in Ancestral Knowledge boosts your mana pool by 5%. It sounds like a lot but a closer look shows you get a poor return on the points spent. The extra mana will probably be only enough to cast one extra chain heal.

Existing mana pool: 10,000
+5%: 10,500
Boost to mana tide: 120/5 minutes = 2 mp5

The smaller your mana pool, the less benefit you receive. A shaman with 8,000 mana gains an extra 400 mana and only 1.67 mp5 through Mana Tide.

Totemic Focus
Reduces the cost of your totems by 25%. It provides a bigger benefit than Ancestral Knowledge but still a weak talent for resto shaman. At worst, it will probably equate to giving you an extra 4.6 mp5 (Scenario 1). At best, it could give you the equivalent of 16.5 mp5 (Scenario 2).

Scenario 1: You are in a caster group dropping Mana Spring and Wrath of Air. You drop your totems every 2 minutes.
Mana Spring: 120 mana
Wrath: 320 mana
Total: 2,200 mana during a 10 minute fight. The talent would save you 550 mana or 4.6 mp5

Scenario 2: You are in a melee group dropping Windfury, Strength of Earth, Healing stream and Searing Totem. You drop your totems every 1.5 minutes, or 7 times during the fight.

Windfury: 325 mana (2275)
Strength: 300 mana (2100)
Healing: 95 mana (665)
Searing: 205 mana x 2 (2870)
Total: 7,910 mana during a 10 minute fight. The talent would save you 1,977.5 mana or 16.5 mp5

Improved Reincarnation
Instead of popping with 20% health and mana, you can pop with 40%. It also reduces the cooldown on your Reincarnation from an hour to 40 minutes.

There are a few fights were dying is unavoidable and it’s very handy to have a shaman pop (especially with extra health and mana). For example, if you get the Doomguard debuff during the Azgalor fight or if Teron Gorefiend chooses you for Shadow of Death. However, on most fights you should not die. And if you do die, there are probably several things going wrong with the raid and you resurrecting will not fix them before everyone wipes.

Focused Mind: A weak talent for raiding since most bosses do not silence. PVP talent.

Healing Grace: Reduces threat from healing by up to 15%. A helpful talent on the initial pull but not necessary for successful raiding.

Set bonuses

Tier 4 (Cyclone): You want two pieces. The bonus boosts your mana spring totem by 7.5 mp5, which benefits you and your entire party. Four pieces reduces the cooldown on your Nature's Swiftness by 24 seconds. The faster cooldown does not outweigh the increased mana and healing you can get from non-set items.

Tier 5 (Cataclysm): You don't need any pieces. None of the set bonuses benefit Chain Heal, which is the shaman's primary heal in raids. The two-piece bonus reduces the cost of your Lesser Healing Wave by 5%. The four-piece bonus is slightly more useful. Whenever you get a crit from any healing spell, you can reduce the cast time of your next Healing Wave by 0.5 second for the next 10 seconds. However, as with the four-piece Tier 4 bonus, this ability does not outweigh the increased mana and healing you can get from non-set items.

Tier 6 (Skyshatter): You want four pieces. The set bonuses are fantastic. It doesn't matter what stats another piece of gear has, you are always better off with the set bonuses.

The two-piece bonus is worth 64 mp5 assuming you cast 15 chain heals per minute. If you cast 20 chain heals (3 seconds per CH), it's worth 85.5 mp5.

The four-piece bonus is worth 82 healing (from the base spell) plus 0.06675 per point of +heal.
according to Shamstats by Binkenstein. If you had 2000 +healing, your chain heal on three targets would gain an extra 216 healing.

Best pieces to wear: Bracers, Belt, Boots and Shoulders/Chest. The first pieces of T6 that most people get are the gloves (Azgalor) and the helm (Archimonde).

Best in Slot
Head: [Shroud of Chieftain Ner'zhul], which is only available by transmuting [Cowl of Gul'dan]
Neck 1) [Amulet of Flowing Life] (requires jewelcrafting)
Neck 2) [Brooch of Nature's Mercy]
++Shoulders: [Skyshatter Shoulderpads]
Back 1) [Shroud of the Highborne]
Back 2) [Shroud of Redeemed Souls]
++Chest 1) [Sun-Drenched Scale Chestguard] (requires Leatherworking)
Chest 2) [Sunglow Vest]
Bracers: [Skyshatter Bracers]
Gloves 1) [Sun-Drenched Scale Gloves]
Gloves 2) [Botanist's Gloves of Growth] with 2 spinels
Gloves 3) [Gauntlets of the Ancient Frostwolf], which is only available by transmuting [Gauntlets of the Ancient Shadowmoon]
Belt: [Skyshatter Belt]
Legs 1) [Kilt of Spiritual Reconstruction], which is only available by transmuting [Chain Links of the Tumultuous Storm]
Legs 2) [Leggings of Eternity]
Feet: [Skyshatter Boots]
Ring 1: 1) [Ring of Flowing Life]
Ring 1: 2) [Blessed Band of Karabor]
Ring 2: [Blessed Band of Karabor]
Weapon: [Crystal Spire of Karabor] or [Hammer of Sanctification]
Off-hand: 1) [Book of Highborne Hymns]
Off-hand: 2) [Aegis of Angelic Fortune]
Trinket 1: [Memento of Tyrande]
Trinket 2: 1) [Redeemer's Alchemist Stone] (requires Alchemy)
Trinket 2: 2) [Tome of Diabolic Remedy]
Relic: [Totem of Healing Rains]


NOTE: Patch 2.4.3 eliminated relic swapping via macros due to the following change:
* Equipping an item will now cancel any spell cast currently in progress.

You can still manually switch relics in combat if the type of heal you are casting changes for a long period. It will still trigger a 1.5-second global cooldown (in addition to interrupting any spell you were casting).

They come to two varieties: Ones that reduce the mana cost of your healing spells and one that increase your +healing for a specific type of healing spell. There is also [Totem of the Thunderhead]. However, your water shield will not continue to get a boost if you switch to another relic after casting it.

In general, use the [Totem of Healing Rains] if mana is not an issue. Otherwise use [Totem of Living Water].

The amount added to healing from relics is applied the same way +healing is applied to your spells. Relics are applied before set bonuses.

Chain Heal
[Totem of Healing Rains]
[Totem of Living Water]

Each Chain Heal you cast per minute with Totem of Living Water equipped equals 1.67 mp5 (20/12=1.6667) so if you do:

10 casts per minute you get 16.67 mp5
15 casts per minute 25 mp5
20 casts per minute 33.33 mp5 (pretty much the upper limit without haste gear)

Healing Wave
[Totem of Spontaneous Regrowth]
[Totem of the Maelstrom]

Each Healing Wave you cast per minute with Totem of the Maelstrom equipped equals 2 mp5 (24/12=2) so if you do:

10 casts per minute you get 20 mp5
15 casts per minute 30 mp5
20 casts per minute 40 mp5 (pretty much the upper limit without haste gear)

[Totem of the Plains]
[Totem of Life] From AQ40.
[Totem of Flowing Water] From Naxx. Rank 1 returns 4 mana.


Gems can be a major investment. It's ok to use green-quality gems as you level up and gear up. However, never leave a socket empty. Always put some gem in it.

Resto shaman should primarily use + healing gems in sockets, often ignoring socket bonuses. Gems with spell haste can be another viable option. Blue gems should be used sparingly.

RED: [Teardrop Living Ruby] or [Teardrop Crimson Spinel]

BLUE:[Royal Nightseye] or [Royal Shadowsong Amethyst]

YELLOW:[Quick Dawnstone] or [Quick Lionseye]. Before Patch 2.4, your best option was [Luminous Noble Topaz] or [Luminous Pyrestone]. However, the spell haste gems can be just as good as +healing gems.

Meta Gems

Unlike DPS classes, there is no great meta gem for healers. Secondary colors (purple, orange, green) count for BOTH primary colors.

Insightful Earthstorm Diamond

[Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] procs off any spell cast, including totems and water shield. You then gain 300 mana from “Mana Restore.” There is a 15-second hidden cooldown based on extensive testing (see [Shaman] How to Heal like a Pro). As a result, the gem has a 3.85% chance to proc if you are wearing no spell haste. If you count, only spell cast outside the cooldown, it has a 5% chance to proc. Wearing gear with spell haste will reduce the proc rate further due to casting more spell during the cooldown period. With more than 200 spell haste rating, the proc rate drops to 3.5%.

Which gems to use to meet the requirements of IED

The meta requires that you have 2 red gems, 2 yellow gems and 2 blue gems. The two red gems should not be a problem for any shaman. You can meet the rest of the requirement with [Quick Lionseye] x 2 + [Royal Shadowsong Amethyst] x 2. Using these four gems actually provides more benefit than[Forceful Talasite] x 2 -- taking into account socket bonuses and using Tier 6 HEP values. While using all spinels provides the highest HEP values, the large amount of haste on end-game gear may make the mana returned from Insightful Earthstorm Diamond attractive.

[Teardrop Crimson Spinel] x 4 + [Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] = 88 healing + 26 healing = 114 HEP

[Quick Lionseye] x 2 + [Royal Shadowsong Amethyst] x 2+ [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] = 20 spell haste + 22 healing + 4 mp5 + 17.5 mp5 + 4 mp5 (socket bonuses) + 7 healing (shoulder socket bonus) + 12 Intellect
= 40 + 22 + 5.2 +22.75 + 5.2 +7 + 9= 111.15 HEP

[Forceful Seaspray Emerald] x 2 + [Teardrop Crimson Spinel]x 2 + [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond]=+10 Haste and +4 mp5 + 17.5 mp5 +44 healing + 12 Intellect
= 20 + 5.2 + 22.75 +44 + 9 = 100.95

Bracing Earthstorm Diamond

[Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] has the easiest gem requirement to meet -- more red gems than blue gems. If you can't easily meet the requirements of the Insightful Earthstorm Diamond, use this meta gem.

In Patch 2.3.2, the requirement of having more yellow gems than blue gems was eliminated.

Mystical Skyfire Diamond

[Mystical Skyfire Diamond] has a 15% chance to proc and it will proc off anything, including totems and water shield. When it procs you gain 320 spell haste rating for 6 seconds. There is a 45-second cooldown since Patch 2.3. In real raid situations it will proc about once per minute.

If you're lucky, you get off one super fast heal. However, the proc can also be wasted if it occurs at the end of the fight or when no one needs healing. The proc from Insightful Earthstorm (extra mana) will not go to waste as long as you are below 100% mana.

This meta gem has a second drawback -- it requires more blue gems than yellow. Currently, the best gems for resto shaman are red and yellow. Blue gives us the least benefit. The gem might have some benefit if put in a secondary (or duplicate helm) and used as part of a spell haste set. However, yellow gems give spell haste so the meta might work against gems in haste gear.

Enchanting Your Gear

Enchanting your gear can quickly drain your bank account. However, it is well worth the expense if you will not upgrade your gear for a while. There are also a few "cheap" enchants that are worth putting on your gear even if you won't have it long: +6 mp5 to chest, Vitality for boots and the honored shoulder enchants. The best enchant to skip all together if money is an issue is Subtlety to cloak.

Weapon Enchants

[Enchant Weapon - Major Healing]: +81 healing
[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge]: 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members over 10 seconds. In actual raids, this works out to about 6-8 mp5 per person.

Put +81 healing on your main weapon. If you have a second weapon that is close in quality to your main weapon, you can enchant the secondary weapon with Spellsurge. You can then use a mod such as Caster Weapon Swapper to switch between them while Spellsurge is on cooldown.

Enchanting the Rest of Your Gear

Shield: Intellect (+12 int) or Major Stamina (+18 stam)

Head: [Glyph of Renewal] (Thrallmar/Honor Hold Revered)

Aldor: [Greater Inscription of Faith]
Scryer: [Greater Inscription of the Oracle]

If you are at least honored, you can get:
Aldor: [Inscription of Faith]
Scryer: [Inscription of the Oracle]

Back: Subtlety (reduces threat by 2%)

Chest: Restore Mana Prime (+6 mp5)

Wrist: Superior Healing (+30 healing)
NOTE: Shaman who are just starting out may find Mana Prime (6 mp5) more helpful

Gloves: Major Healing (+35 healing)

Legs: [Silver Spellthread] or [Golden Spellthread]

Feet: Boar's Speed (Slight speed increase, +9 Stamina) Boosts speed by 8%. The haste effect does not stack with anything else such as the meta gems or [Explorer's Walking Stick]
NOTE: Shaman just starting out my prefer Vitality ( 4 mp5 & 4 health/5). Also Vitality is a much cheaper and easier to find so it may be the best enchant if you expect to quickly upgrade your boots.

Rings: +20 healing. Ring enchants are only available to enchanters.

Spell Haste

A large amount of healing gear with spell haste is available in Hyjal, Black Temple, ZA and Sunwell. Generally, shamans do not need to worry about collecting gear with Spell Haste until they reach Tier 6 content (and notice you really can't get it before then anyway).

Wearing gear with spell haste can be beneficial any time you're not going OOM in a fight. By wearing gear with spell haste, we can cast spells faster, boosting our overall healing done for a fight – and potentially have heals landing faster to prevent deaths.

Starting in Patch 2.4, spell haste lowers global cooldown on spells, reducing the GCD to as little as 1 second.

Many shaman find that when put in a group with a shadow priest, they cannot use their mana fast enough. Often, our mana bar will never drop below 50% due to the shadow priest, water shield, mana spring and other buffs. Many shaman also wear haste gear on trash since they can drink after each pull.

1% Spell Haste = 15.76 Haste Rating1% haste means you will cast 1 additional spell in the time it would normally take to cast 100 spells. You do NOT cast 1% faster.

Spell Haste is calculated after talents. So if Healing Wave is 3.0 seconds normally and talents reduce it to 2.5 seconds, then 10% haste (157 haste rating) would reduce the cast time to 2.275 seconds.

Spell Haste can reduce the global cooldown but it cannot reduce it below 1.0 seconds.

Haste Need to Reduce Chain Heal Cast Time
2.4 seconds = 66 haste rating
2.3 seconds = 137 haste rating
2.2 seconds = 215 haste rating
2.1 seconds = 300 haste rating
2.0 seconds = 394 haste rating
1.9 seconds = 498 haste rating

Haste Rating "Cap"

With the gear currently in the game, you don't have to worry about your cast times bumping up against the global cooldown (unless you are using Bloodlust/Heroism).

To lower the cast time of Chain Heal and Healing Wave to 1 second, you would need 2,364 haste rating (or 1,455 with Bloodlust/Heroism). To lower the cast time of Lesser Healing Wave to 1 second, you would need 788 haste rating (243 haste with Bloodlust/Heroism).

You can get 372 Haste Rating from the gear currently in the game (not including the off-hand or the DPS boots or trinket procs). Realistically, you can reduce your cast times to:

Lesser Healing Wave 1.21s
Healing Wave and Chain Heal 2.02s

With Heroism or Bloodlust
Lesser Healing Wave 0.93s
Healing Wave and Chain Heal 1.56s

Spell Hit for Interrupts

Normally, resto shamans don’t worry about spell hit. However, there are a few fights in which we may be asked to not only heal but interrupt spells cast by a boss. In these situations, it can be helpful to boost your +hit to cut down on the number of resists you will get. Get a pair of gloves with spell hit, gem them for spell hit and then enchant them for spell hit. You maximize your hit but at the sacrifice of only one piece of normal healing gear.

You may be asked to Earth Shock Hellfire Channelers (72) in Magtheridon, Shade of Aran (73), Kael’thas (73), or the priest (72) in the Karathress fight.

Use [Great Dawnstone] or [Great Lionseye]. Enchant with Spell Strike (15 hit rating). All hit ratings below are with rare-quality gems.

[Manaspark Gloves] First boss in normal Underbog (Hungarfen), 46 spell hit (3.65%).
[Handwraps of Flowing Thought] from Attuneman in Kara, which will give 45 spell hit (3.57%)
[Anger-Spark Gloves] from Doomwalker will give you 51 spell hit (4.05%)
[Gloves of Arcane Acuity] from Kael'thas in regular or heroic Magister's Terrace with 49 spell hit (3.89%)
[Skyshatter Gauntlets] from Azgalor in Hyjal (Elemental) with 42 spell hit (3.33%). Not as much spell hit as other options but they have the best stats.


Using elixirs gives you the most +healing and mp5: [Elixir of Healing Power] + [Elixir of Major Mageblood]

If you want to use a flask, you have two options: [Flask of Mighty Restoration] or [Flask of Distilled Wisdom], which grants 975 mana, 19.5 healing with the talent Nature’s Blessing and 0.93% spell crit.

On your weapon apply 1) [Blessed Weapon Coating], which returns roughly 16 mp5. It is slightly better than [Superior Mana Oil]
2) [Brilliant Mana Oil] remains the best combination of mp5 and +healing.
3) [Superior Wizard Oil], which grants +42 healing (tooltip is wrong about it being only +damage).

For food use [Golden Fish Sticks] or [Blackened Sporefish]


Posts : 22
Join date : 2012-06-14


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